Smart Government

National Information Exchange Center (NIX)

NIX, a vital component of Iran's National Information Network, serves as a platform for consolidating government agency services and enabling seamless device-to-device inquiries.

National Window of Smart Government Services (

The National Window provides integrated electronic government services (G2C services) to citizens through the National Information Network. It boasts over 131 connected executive bodies, offers more than 3,000 services, and serves over 19 million users with more than 50 million transactions monthly.

Single Window of Business Licenses

The National Portal of Business Licenses facilitates and streamlines the licensing process for businesses across Iran, providing transparent information on terms, documents, costs, and timeframes associated with obtaining licenses.


E-BOX is a revolutionary national e-service facilitating direct and secure communication between government agencies, public institutions, and individuals seeking public services.


IranEland Single Window leverages emerging technologies to revolutionize land management practices, ensuring efficient utilization of land and supporting effective management and protection.

E-Government Evaluation and Ranking Project

ITO executes the E-Government Evaluation Project (EGEP) since 2014, evaluating government agencies (6200 electronic services) based on UN models, the E-Government Development Index (EGDI), and the E-Participant Index (EPI).