
In alignment with the development of rules, guidelines, and executive regulations for information security management systems, the Cybersecurity Deputy of the Information Technology Organization of Iran operates in the following areas:

1. Maher CERT

Maher Center is Iran's national computer emergency response team. It works with government, industry, law enforcement, and academia to enhance the security and resilience of computer systems and networks. The center focuses on studying and designing advanced methods and tools to counter large-scale, sophisticated cyber threats.

2. Evaluation and Certification of Security Products and Services

The Information Technology Organization of Iran evaluates and issues activity licenses in four main areas: operational, technical, managerial, and educational. This evaluation process aims to support and expand cybersecurity services in the country by ensuring the optimal use of national capacities and organizing capable companies.

3. Handling Complaints and Objections of Companies in Security Services and Products

The Cyber Security Deputy of the Information Technology Organization of Iran supervises companies that hold certification for security services and products. It addresses any violations committed by these companies within the framework of their obligations.

4. Monitoring the Status of Businesses in the Field of Cybersecurity

The Cyber Security Deputy monitors the activities of security businesses, including certified companies, security experts, and laboratories. This monitoring ensures continuous improvement in the functioning of the security ecosystem.

5. Cooperation and Participation with International Security Forums

The Cyber Security Deputy collaborates with international security forums by forming study groups composed of experts from the government, private sectors, industry, and universities. These groups identify problems, provide solutions, and contribute to international and regional forums on information exchange security.

  1. Conducting Specialized Information Security Training Courses

The Cyber Security Deputy conducts training courses to empower and enhance the knowledge of graduates and professionals in the field of cybersecurity.

6. Protection of Children and Teenagers in Cyberspace (COP)

The Cyber Security Deputy has created a managed space in the National Information Network to provide age-appropriate access to information and services for children and adolescents. Professional committees are established to manage all tasks related to COP.

7. Development of Standards, Methods, and Guidelines in Information Technology and Security

The Department of Standardization, in cooperation with the Iran National Standards Organization, develops national standards in various fields related to information technology, communication technology, information security, health informatics, administrative and educational equipment, methods, and guidelines.

8. Measurement of the Global Cyber Security Index (GCI)

As the official representative of the Ministry of ICT in the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the Information Technology Organization of Iran periodically completes questionnaires to measure the Cyber Security Index (GCI). This activity promotes the country's cyber position internationally and regionally while enabling participation in technical and managerial decision-making in IT standards assemblies.