Dr. Mohammad Khansari: “Smart Government Development, a New Chapter in the Missions of the Organization.”

Iran's Information Technology Organization is embarking on a new chapter in its mission with the development of a smart government architecture to provide government services. Dr. Mohammad Khansari:  “Smart Government Development, a New Chapter in the Missions of the Organization.”

In a recent event focused on digital governance, Dr. Khansari, the Deputy Minister of Communications, highlighted the development of smart government as a new chapter in the missions of Iran's Information Technology Organization to provide government services.



TEHRAN - According to the Public Relations Department of Iran's Information Technology Organization, Dr. Khansari explained how smart government architecture is being developed and how organizational architecture is being implemented to establish Government as a Platform (GaaP).

Speaking at The 7th Conference on the Developments of Organizational Architecture of Iran, a digital governance event held this morning at the Research Institute of Communication and Information Technology, Dr. Khansari sees smart government development as a new chapter in the missions of Iran's Information Technology Organization with a focus on Government as a Platform (GaaP) to service provision, which began two years ago and has a bright future ahead.


He explained that in electronic government, information technology was used to provide services to the public. After digitalizing the government, information technology was used to create, optimize, and transform government services. However, in smart government, services are provided to people in a simple, innovative and proper way. He outlined two essential features of smart government: In the first type, the service request is made by the recipient without paying attention to prerequisites, and there is no need for citizens to go to government agencies to make their requests. In the second and more advanced model of smart government, services are provided based on people's entitlements and do not require citizens to declare their requests.


The President of Iran's Information Technology Organization referred to Services, Governance, Data and Technology as the four principal dimensions of organizational architecture in Smart Government’s progress, and highlighted several projects as reference models in smart government architecture, including the National Smart Government Services Window, the National Data Exchange Center, and the Government Cloud.


Dr. Mohammad Khansari, the Deputy Minister of Communications, likened the Government as a Platform to an innovative platform for providing public services, which instead of transferring power, seeks to exchange value and plays the role of coordinator, regulator, and enabler.

He emphasized that replacing a participatory approach instead of an employer approach in the government vs. private sector relationship are prerequisite for creating a platform-oriented government. He defined that setting common standards for collecting, storing, managing, and sharing government data, using national infrastructures such as the National Data Exchange Center, having a high level of organizational maturity, and changing the organizational culture are also necessary prerequisites for implementing a platform-oriented government.


Khansari mentioned six actions taken by Iran's Information Technology Organization in planning for Government as a Platform (GaaP), including developing a platform for publishing government web services for the private sector, separating the National Data Exchange Center into two sections (GSB and PGSB), developing and completing national databases and information exchange, changing the approach to Government as a Platform (GaaP) systems in major government systems such as the Unified Land Management System, providing basic services such as national identity verification and launching the Cloud Government project as infrastructure for resource sharing, and planning for smart government service operators.


In conclusion, Dr. Khansari described the current state of development and statistics on the actions and projects of Iran's Information Technology Organization, including the e-land Management System, single window of Business License Issuance, National Window of Smart Government Services (my.gov.ir), National Information Exchange Center (NIX), the Iranian National Startup Ecosystem, the Cloud Government, and the creation of smart government service operators, as the best examples and models in organizational architecture in the country where digital governance has received considerable attention.



Tags: #SmartGovernment #IranInformationTechnologyOrganization #OrganizationalArchitecture #GovernmentasaPlatform #GaaP


Source: Iran's Information Technology Organization Public Relations Department.

Publish Date: 2023/11/29