Iranian Businesses Ready to Offer Services in Iraq

Iranian businesses and platforms have expressed their readiness to offer their services in various fields such as e-commerce, logistics, transportation, and software infrastructure in Iraq. This was showcased during a virtual meeting attended by Dr. Iranian Businesses Ready to Offer Services in Iraq

The Iranian platforms presented their services and activities to Iraqi officials and answered their questions. The meeting concluded with Iraqi officials expressing interest in the capabilities of the Iranian businesses. The report was released by Iran's Information Technology Organization.
According to the report by Iran's Information Technology Organization, Iranian businesses and platforms have expressed their readiness to offer their services in various fields such as e-commerce, logistics, transportation, and software infrastructure in Iraq.


During a virtual meeting attended by Dr. Mohammad Khansaari, Deputy Minister of Communications, and the CEO of Iraq Post, the Iranian platforms presented their services and activities to Iraqi officials and answered their questions. The meeting concluded with Iraqi officials expressing interest in the capabilities of the Iranian businesses. This is a positive development for both countries as it opens up opportunities for economic growth and cooperation.


Publish Date: 2023/12/20