Iranian experts Examining National and Global Policies in Artificial Intelligence
Dr. Mohammad Khansari shed light on the intricate landscape of national and global policies governing artificial intelligence.
During a seminar on "Artificial Intelligence and its Application in Higher Education", the Deputy Minister of Communications highlighted the significance of embracing cutting-edge technologies like artificial intelligence, quantum computing, and the Internet in today's era.
Iran's current ranking as 15th globally in publishing articles on artificial intelligence underscores the nation's potential, yet there remains a substantial gap in technology application that necessitates concerted efforts to bridge.
The head of Iran's Information Technology Organization delved into the challenges and policies surrounding artificial intelligence on a global scale. He emphasized the disproportionate benefits various countries have reaped from AI while cautioning about the adverse impacts on security and privacy resulting from the utilization of personal data. Moreover, the looming specter of job displacement due to automation and robotics poses a significant challenge, alongside emerging issues in financial transactions and cybersecurity stemming from AI integration.
Dr. Khansari underscored health, security, ethics, privacy, participatory approaches, social equality, justice, economy, and workforce as pivotal themes in shaping policies for artificial intelligence regulation. By advocating for robust legislation, he contended that the risks associated with AI usage could be mitigated on a global scale. Notably, the analysis of regulatory frameworks tailored to countries leveraging AI underscores the critical importance of comprehensive governance in this domain.
Publish Date: 2024/03/03
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