ITU Secretary-General Urges Iran to Share Telecommunication Advances with Developing Nations

ITU Secretary-General Urges Iran to Share Telecommunication Advances with Developing Nations

Iran's Deputy Minister of ICT and Permanent Ambassador to the United Nations in Geneva from Iran held a meeting with the Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) and Head of the Asia-Pacific Regional Office from ITU during the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS-2024).

In this meeting Dr. Mohammad Khansaari, the Deputy Minister of ICT emphasized the significant progress made in several ICT areas in the country, such as the deployment of fiber optics for residential and commercial purposes, the extension of 3G and 4G networks in rural regions, and advancements in smart government services. The Secretary-General of the ITU praised Iran's achievements in these fields and encouraged Iranian delegation to disseminate its experiences to less developed nations using UN channels and methods.

Publish Date: 2024/05/30