Iran's Universities Smart Services Single Window Project Wins the WSIS 2024 champion Prize

Iran's “Universities Smart Services Single Window” project has been recognized as champion project in the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in Geneva, Switzerland. Developed by the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology in collaboration with the Information Technology Organization of Iran (ITO), the project was awarded the WSIS Prize Champion 2024 in the e-Science category by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU).
According to a report published by ITO’s Public Relations, Dr. Mohammad Khansaari, the Deputy Minister and Head of Information Technology Organization of Iran, on behalf of ITO received the excellence certificate, from Dr Cosmas Zavazava, ITU-D Director, due to its role in leadership and presentation of the project.
The Universities Smart Services Single Window project aims to streamline electronic services offered by universities throughout Iran. The initiative has seen remarkable participation, with over 245 universities and higher education institutions connecting to the project's gateway. Furthermore, more than 490 university systems and higher education institutions have linked to the national government services portal ( through this gateway, ensuring easy accessibility for users.
This is not the first time Iran has been acknowledged for its innovative approach to e-government implementation. Last year, the National Government Services Portal project also secured the WSIS Prize Champion 2023 award, solidifying its position as one of the leading projects in this field.
Overall, Iran's success at the World Summit on the Information Society highlights its commitment to leveraging technology and digital solutions to enhance public services and promote efficiency in higher education institutions.
Publish Date: 2024/06/01
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