The Deputy Minister and Head of the Information Technology Organization of Iran has been appointed
The Minister of Communications and Information Technology has appointed Mohammad Mohsen Sadr as the "Deputy Minister and Head of the Iranian Information Technology Organization."
Sattar Hashemi, Iran’s ITC minister in his decree addressed to Sadr, stated: "It is hoped that, relying on God Almighty, observing ethics and divine piety, and within the framework of laws and regulations, you will strive to achieve the goals of the vision document and the general policies of the Supreme Leader, may his shadow be prolonged, as well as the seventh development plan, while adhering to the ethical charter of the fourteenth government. You should engage with officials and other institutions and organizations in implementing government policies and preserving the achievements of the Islamic Revolution in service to the people of Iran, keeping the attached principles as your guiding framework."
Mohammad Mohsen Sadr holds a PhD in Information Science, and among his previous positions are: CEO of Omid Boom Company, CEO and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Iranian Welfare Information Technology Services Company (Fara), CEO and Vice Chairman of the Board of Directors of Rightel Information Services Company, Director General of Public Relations at Payame Noor University, member of the Board of Trustees of Payame Noor University, and Deputy Director General of the Statistics and Information Technology Office at Payame Noor University.
Publish Date: 2024/10/28
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